For the most part, the well-being of communities depends on the desire of each resident to participate in creating favorable conditions for their region development. It’s true, decentralization reform is a complex process and requires new and professional expertise. Nowadays, such words as strategy, local economic development, investment, and business processes sound like mantras in community life.
Following the invitation of the Kyiv School of Public Administration named after Serhii Nyzhnyi and under the sponsorship of ASTARTA, a group of representatives of Bilyky, Novi Sanzhary, Kozelshchyna, Semenivka, and Globyno territorial communities joined the training and practical course “Effective Community”.
From May 14 to 16, Vitalii Mokliak, Oleksii Bakaienko, Nataliia Olshanska, Nataliia Kalinichenko, and Svitlana Neilenko got a real drive due to live communication with statesmen, experts, business representatives, potential investors.
Such well-known persons as Anton Herashchenko, Hennadii Zubko, Ihor Liski, Anatolii Amelin, Oleh Levchenko, Norbert Neuhaus (Germany), Oleksandr Svystun, Vitalii Cherniuk, Diana Barynova, and also MPs Halyna Yanchenko and Oleksii Krasov were the course speakers, and they told how to prepare the community for interaction with the investor, where to start, how to create conditions for business development and security.
“For me, the “Effective Community” has become a roadmap for the economics and investment department I head in the Kozelshchyna community,” Nataliia Olshanska said, “a clear algorithm of actions towards the economic development gives us hope for the employment creation and an increase in taxes to the budget.”
“We would like to thank ASTARTA for the organization and sponsorship of our trip to Kyiv School,” said Vitalii Mokliak, Deputy Village Headman of Novi Sanzhary, “the acquired knowledge and experience provide us with a chance to develop investment projects in our community, which will give impetus to its development.”
Eventually, we have created a community for systematic communication, exchange of ideas, and expertise. We keep moving!