Occupational Health & Safety

The health and life of employees are the highest values of Astarta. The company provides safe working conditions and improves them constantly. There is an occupational health and safety management system in Astarta to achieve the goal of “zero accidents.” This system is based on the requirements of national legislation on occupational safety, fire safety, and civil protection, requirements of ISO 45001 (“Occupational safety management system”), best practices (implementation of the LOTO system, 5S, etc.) and a risk-oriented approach. Improvement of the system occurs not only by involving key specialists but also every employee. Astarta implemented mandatory labour and fire safety requirements for contractors. Compliance with these criteria is crucial in deciding on further cooperation. Health and safety specialists inspect and audit contractors’ work performance on enterprises’ territory. The company may apply sanctions against the contractor violating these established requirements.

The company also devoted much attention to road traffic safety. The road safety system is based on national legislation and the requirements of ISO 39001 (“Road Traffic Safety System”). Additional training courses, certification of drivers, audits of the condition of vehicles, and detailed analysis of road accidents are carried out with further development of corrective and preventive measures on an ongoing basis.

Constant identification of risks, development of corrective and preventative measures, detailed analysis of root causes of incidents, training of personnel, internal audits and committees system, and detailed analysis of incidents ensure improvement of the company’s key labour protection indicators.

Постійна ідентифікація ризиків, розробка заходів щодо їх мінімізації та усунення, детальний аналіз кореневих причин інцидентів, навчання персоналу, система внутрішніх аудитів, комітетів, контрольних перевірок сприяє покращенню ключових показників з охорони праці в компанії.