In 2017, ASTARTA became a partner of the Liberal Arts project initiated by the Ukrainian Academy of Leadership with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Liberal Arts has become an intellectual platform for discussions, collaborations and meetings of opinion leaders, public men and teachers. The project offers a set of humanities knowledges that should serve as an innovative method to reform approaches in education and training of teachers- leaders.
In Kyiv during 2017-2018, in the framework of Liberal Arts project thematic sessions were held on the topics of freedom, responsibility, trust, thinking, knowledge, integrity. Thanks to ASTARTA a regional seminar for teachers of Poltava region was held, attended by over 60 teachers from 13 Poltava schools. Interesting lectures, brainstorming, sharing experiences, lively communication helped teachers identify their strengths and transmit high spiritual values to their schoolchildren. Liberty, responsibility, trust, courage, innovative methods of teaching in the non-formal environment of ART-LAB – these and other topics Liberal Arts project helped to open.
In 2019, in the framework of three Liberal Arts educational forums in Poltava, Kharkiv and Lviv teachers learned how to implement the methods to foster personality and critical thinking in pupils and shared their views on how to develop rural schools and pupils. 54 teachers from Poltava and Khmelnitsky regions visited the forums with the assistance of ASTARTA.
For ASTARTA, this is an important project, as education is a priority area of corporate social responsibility. Education is the future of children, business and the entire state. And Liberal Arts continues to bring together teachers of the future who take on the challenges of today and learn the whole life.