Astarta-Kyiv received the award for leadership in energy management, according to the results of the international competition Energy Management Leadership Awards, which since 2016 has been organizing the global forum Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) – an international organization that brings together representatives of ministries of energy of 25 countries worldwide, the European Commission and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).
Astarta-Kyiv is the first Ukrainian company which took part in this world-wide competition.
ASTARTA presented an energy efficiency project, namely, the integrated energy management system of the Novoorzhytskyi Sugar Plant, pursuant to the international standard ISO 50001. The corporate integrated management system, which is based on the philosophy of sustainable development, allows to ensure operational efficiency and long-term development of the Company. In particular, the introduction of this standard and effective management, enabled reducing consumption of natural gas by 19.1%, electricity by 43.2%, and compressed air by 20%. In monetary terms this created USD 4 million of savings.
The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the facilitator of the working group on energy management, emphasized that the example of ASTARTA will play an important role in informing and educating organizations around the world about the business value of ISO 50001.