ASTARTA completed sugar beet planting at 33.5kha or 15.6% of the Company’s total planned acreage in 2021.
Currently, the sowing of corn, soybeans and organic crops is ongoing.
The start of this year’s sowing campaign had been postponed by several weeks compared to previous years as the spring of 2021 is marked by low temperatures, prolonged frosts, and frequent rains throughout Ukraine. However, the Company has been performing the full range of field works within optimal time-line.
–Although the timing of sowing is shifted, there are some benefits. Usually, in April we already observe the loss of moisture. This year it continues to accumulate. So, this year the level of moisture in the ground is better than last year. There is no difference between the South and the North because the whole territory of Ukraine lags behind the long-term historical temperature records. A feature of this year’s harvest will be the parallel harvesting of soybeans, sunflowers and corn, – said Vadym Skrypnyk, Head of the Agriculture Division, ASTARTA.
Innovations are an integral part of ASTRATA’s activities and the sowing campaign is a period for their active application and implementation.
AgriChain as a single data multi-module system for agribusiness management is one of such innovations. The platform consists of several web and/or mobile apps such as AgriChainLand, AgriChainFarm, AgriChainScout and those listed below.
AgriChain Scout provides online monitoring of crop condition, their analysis and dynamic yield forecasting. It helps to implement a differentiated approach in agricultural production, which is one of the most important elements of precision farming. It involves the rational use of fertilisers, plant protection products and seeds through an application customised for each field.
At the same time, AgriChainBarn, a new system module for online warehouse logistics management, is being tested.