Soybean Crushing Products

Hydrated soybean oil meets the requirements of DSTU 4534.

The acid number at the end of the storage period – max 4,0 mg KOH/g
Peroxide number at the end of the storage period – max 5,0 mmol/kg ½ O
Mass fraction of moisture and light substances – max 0/2%
Mass fraction of non-fat impurities – absent
Mass fraction of phosphorus-containing substances – max 250ppm
Anisidine number – not normalised

The content of toxic elements, pesticides, mycotoxins and radionuclides in the oil does not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations established in MBT 5061, GN

Conditions of transportation: by tank trucks with tightly closed hatches per DSTU 4534. In other covered vehicles under the rules of cargo transportation in force on the corresponding mode of transport.

Storage conditions: before pouring into railway tanks and tank cars, it is stored in containers according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Toasted soybean feed meal is a valuable feed product containing proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids. It is used for direct introduction into the diet of animals. The product is also a valuable raw material for the production of compound feed. It is produced by the method of direct extraction.

Mass fraction of moisture and light substances – 8.5 -10.0
The mass fraction of crude protein in terms of dehydrated matter – min 45.0%
Mass fraction of crude fibre in terms of dehydrated matter – max 7.0%
The mass fraction of crude fat in terms of absolutely dry substance – max 1.5%

Packaging: in bulk.
Storage conditions: in bulk, the height in silo-type warehouses is no more than 18 m.
Shelf life: 3-4 months.

Granulated soybean shell is a feed raw material used to produce feed.

Granulated soybean shell meets the requirements of TU U 10.6-30547403-001 “Granulated or non-granulated soybean shell. Specifications”.


Mass fraction of moisture and light substances – 9.0 -12.0

The mass fraction of crude protein in terms of dehydrated matter – min 9.0%

Mass fraction of crude fibre in terms of dehydrated matter – max 50.0%

The mass fraction of crude fat in terms of absolutely dry substance – max 5.0%

Packaging conditions: bulk.

Storage conditions: at a temperature not higher than 20 °C or not higher than the ambient air temperature by more than 5 °C. At a relative humidity of not higher than 70%.

Shelf life: 12 months.

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Tel.: +38 095 282 91 84