In 2021 Astarta supplied 900kt of products to global markets. Export revenues increased by 6% to EUR185m year-on-year and derived from sales to 50 countries.
The main consumers of corn were China and the European Union, wheat – Egypt, Indonesia, Asia and Africa. Rapeseed was exported mainly to the United Arab Emirates and barley to China.
Soybean oil and soybean meal, produced at the Globyno Processing Plant, was supplied to the markets of China, the European Union and the CIS.
Among the largest exporters in Ukraine, ASTARTA is No 2 exporter of soybean products and No 8 of corn.
The Company plans to further increase exports in the future.
Продукція Глобинського переробного заводу Компанії, зокрема, соєва олія та соєвий шрот, постачалася на ринки Китаю, країн Європейського Союзу та близького зарубіжжя.