ASTARTA‘s silos actively accept grain of the new harvest. Since the beginning of threshing, the enterprises have already received 215kt of wheat and rapeseed for storage.
In the last three marketing years, the Company’s enterprises received 2.6mt of crops, including 1.6mt of corn, 642kt of wheat, 177kt of sunflower, 159kt of soybeans and others.
— ASTARTA’s elevators work with ten crops. These are grains — wheat, corn, barley, rye, buckwheat, oats and sorghum. Oilseeds — rapeseed, sunflower and soybeans. The Company provides a full range of services for the reception and storage of grain, conducts preliminary analyses to determine safety indicators and GMOs in our certified laboratories, — said Oleksiy Verovchuk, the Head of the elevator business department, ASTARTA.
The Company has its modern fleet of 200 rail cars and shunting locomotives. It helps to avoid downtime and to deliver loaded routes to the departure station on schedule. In general, the Company’s elevators load shipping routes (48-54 cars) for a 24-hour-period to 36-hours.
— To speed up the process of receiving and shipping grain, we have implemented some measures: introduced an electronic TTN, which simplified and accelerated the work of scales; optimised the route of cargo trucks on the territory of enterprises and, thus, increased the speed of grain acceptance from 8-10 cars per hour to 12. The processes of sampling, quality determination and weighing take up to 10 minutes, and the process of unloading vehicles — 5-6 minutes, — added Oleksiy Verovchuk.
As part of the development of the ASTARTA partner ecosystem, a loyalty programme operates in the elevators. The Company offers a full range of elevator services on favourable terms: flexible system of discounts, depending on the volume of transhipment and shelf life, other special offers and services.
For reference
The Company’s silos are located in the Poltava (Yareskivsky, Lutovynivsky, Semenivsky, Skorokhodivsky silos), the Khmelnytsky (Viytovetsky, Krasylivsky silos) and the Vinnytsia (Khmilnytsky silos) regions.
These are seven high-tech route silos with a total simultaneous storage capacity of over 550kt of grain. Each of the silos receives 2-6kt of grain per day, shippes by road – up to 2kt and by rail – up to 3kt per day. Drying capacity – 1-3kt per day.
All enterprises are provided with an automated granary management system and product quality control. Mechanised sampling and a transparent system for determining grain quality are performed in our certified laboratories that operate at each plant.