Astarta’s agricultural enterprises have completed harvesting of early grain crops on 57kha. The total gross harvest of spring crops exceeds 330kt, including 271kt of winter wheat and 56kt of winter rapeseed.
The сompany’s average winter wheat yield is 6.3t/ha, up 33% y-o-y. The highest average result is 7.4t/ha on an area of 6kha in the Vinnytsia region, including 1 350ha of wheat, which reached 8.4t/ha.
The сompany harvested 56kt of winter rapeseed, with an average yield of 4.1t/ha, a record for the last five years. The highest result of over 5t/ha on an area of 1 310ha was achieved in the Poltava region.
In early August, the sowing campaign for winter crops for the 2024 harvest started. The company plans to plant 12kha of rapeseed, which is in the final stages of sowing, and 54kha of winter wheat.
Preparations are underway for harvesting soybeans, sunflowers, corn, and sugar beet processing.