Astarta attended the key preparatory event for the fourth International Ukraine Recovery Conference URC2025—On the Road to URC-2025, which took place last week in Milan, Italy.
The event brought together representatives of the governments of Ukraine and Italy, leading Ukrainian companies in strategic sectors of the economy, international financial institutions, and more than 550 companies from 23 countries.

Yuliya Bereshchenko, Sustainable Business Development and IR Director, who represented Astarta at the event, said: “Ukraine and Astarta, in particular, are reliable partners of the EU in food and energy security. After all, companies like ours already offer safe, high-quality products to the European market, adhering to transparent principles of sustainable development.
The EU imports sugar in the range of 1-2mt per annum, depending on weather conditions. Ukraine competes with sugar cane imports from Latin America, but Ukrainian sugar is derived from sugar beet grown and transported in a sustainable way (low carbon footprint in particular). So, there is no reason for Europe not to import those volumes from its next-door producer, Ukraine.
Soybean acreage in the EU is minimal, while the protein feed needs of livestock, poultry, and aquaculture are very high. Ukraine produces 6mt of soybeans annually and also converts these soybeans into protein for export to the EU.
Ukraine has a large base for bioenergy production due to its large-scale agriculture and residues, which can be converted into biomethane to decarbonise European transport and other sectors of the economy.

Ukrainian agriculture can become a significant partner for the European Green Deal thanks to regenerative farming and the decarbonisation of the production process pursued by the country’s leading companies, particularly Astarta. “