On 26 April a bilateral conference on Ukraine’s recovery was held in Rome, attended by the Prime Ministers of the two countries, 600 Italian and 150 Ukrainian companies. Astarta was represented on the international stage by Yulia Bereshchenko, Sustainable Business Development and IR Director.
“Astarta felt a special responsibility for not only continuing but increasing its output – for food security globally and in Ukraine. And preserve the position of Ukrainian agriculture also because many of our sector peers suffered so much physical destruction of their production assets,” said Yulia Bereshchenko during her speech at the panel discussion.
“The agri sector is a lifeline for the Ukrainian economy during the war. Before the war, it was already generating 40% of the country’s hard currency revenues, but in 2022 this contribution reached 70%. Therefore, agricultural exports must keep going from Ukraine. Despite recent disputes by some countries, we count on the EU to keep its doors open for Ukrainian goods to help the Ukrainian economy run under extreme war-time conditions.”
As reported earlier, at the end of 2022, Astarta participated in the Bilateral Conference on Ukraine’s Resilience and Recovery held in Paris.