For the third year in a row, ASTARTA was assigned Silver Medal by EcoVadis. It is one of the most reliable international rating agencies, which evaluates the ESG performance of companies in 200 industries from 160 countries.
EcoVadis methodology is based on four criteria:
– environment;
– labor and human rights;
– ethics;
– sustainable procurement.
The Company provided EcoVadis with detailed information for a comprehensive analysis of its progress in sustainable business development based on environmental, social and management criteria (ESG criteria).
According to the rating, ASTARTA has shown the highest performance in environment, corporate social responsibility, and business ethics issues.
Due to the Company’s increase in the level of suppliers inspection on sustainability issues, the indicators in sustainable procurement issues have also significantly improved.
Victor Ivanchyk, Founder and CEO, ASTARTA:
“ASTARTA was one of the first Ukrainian companies to join the global course to achieve the goals of sustainable development (UN Global Compact) and publicly reports according to GRI standards and ESG criteria. Regular disclosure of information related to the social, environmental and management issues of sustainable development help us to maintain long-term relationships with our partners.
Independent analysis of ESG policies and achievements in the EcoVadis ranking is another indication that ASTARTA is a stable and reliable partner. The Company not only produces safe and high-quality food products but also uses energy and natural resources carefully, makes efforts to reduce the negative impact on the environment and climate change, provides decent working conditions and builds strong partnerships with consumers, suppliers and communities.”