ASTARTA is pleased to present its 11th annual Sustainability report. This year the Company issued the Sustainability Report under GRI standards and UN frameworks to disclose ESG-related topics in greater detail for all stakeholders of the business. This way ASTARTA reaffirms its commitment to transparency and accountability in daily activities and underscores its contribution to Sustainable Development Goals.
ASTARTA’s report discloses non-financial information on all the material topics, including environmental responsibility (energy consumption, effluents and waste, water discharge, carbon footprint, responding to climate change, certification etc.), social responsibility (cooperation with local communities, educational programmes, personnel, human rights assessment, occupational safety etc.), governance (board management structure, risk and compliance committee, anti-corruption procedures, subcontractor management, risk management etc.).
Given continued business transformation, dynamic external environment and increase of investors’ and other stakeholders’ attention to sustainability questions, the Board of ASTARTA has formed a dedicated ESG Committee, the by-laws of which are to be approved by the upcoming AGM. Also, one of ASTARTA’s 2020 targets is to develop the Risk management system based on an international approach including ESG factors.