ASTARTA completed the processing of contracted imported raw cane sugar at the Yareskivsky Sugar Plant. The output amounted to 73.4kt of white sugar, which meets the high-quality category by European standards. 100% of all sugar from raw cane products are already contracted.
Meanwhile, the agricultural subsidiaries of the Company started harvesting sugar beets, with a total area under the crop of 33.4kha.
Harvesting started later than usual due to cold and rainy spring this year. Still, the works will be done within the optimal time. The phytosanitary condition of sugar beets is good.
In total, five sugar plants will be in operation in the 2021 production season. Zhdanivsky Sugar Plant will be the first to start accepting sugar beets for processing on September 15. Narkevytsky and Yareskivsky sugar plants will be start production in the third decade of September, and from early October – the Novoorzhytsky and Globinsky sugar plants.