People Development Programmes
The School of Internal Coaching is an opportunity to find your new role in the company, gain unique experience, review approaches to your work, and become a real agent of change by contributing to improving the skills of Astarta’s management.
After being selected by the School and undergoing special training, internal coaches develop training programmes and conduct mini-trainings on management tools for line managers of the head office and holding subsidiaries. They also participate in the development of training activities in accordance with the company’s needs.
The first wave of trainers developed 12 masterclasses on management tools and conducted 49 masterclasses for the Astarta Management Development Programme. Participants learned tools for setting goals using the SMART methodology, tracking progress using Kanban, rules for providing feedback, and determining employee readiness levels. According to the results of the survey, 99% of managers received positive feedback on the content and practicality of the knowledge gained.
The second wave of Astarta’s School of Internal Coaches started on 20 June 2022. Thirty colleagues expressed a desire to join the community of corporate trainers and completed the relevant training. The trainers consolidated their practical skills during webinars on the Implementation of SOVA. 5C Tools’.
To date, more than 200 employees of the holding have completed the internal trainer courses. The trainers provide training on Astarta’s corporate competencies and professional training on topics they are experts in, such as process improvement, engineering, agronomy, soil science, accounting, safe work practices, and environmental protection.
Staff reserve – the programme started in 2020 and is designed to identify talented employees, develop their skills, involve them in the implementation of changes, and promote job rotation, both horizontal and vertical. The participants of the programme are employees who have high professional potential and leadership skills to hold a management position in the company in future.
This is an opportunity for the devoted employees to prove themselves, share knowledge with colleagues, gain new knowledge and expand the range of acquaintances within the company.
During the implementation of the programme, ten promising projects were selected, seven of which have been successfully implemented.
- Implementation of electronic document flow between the company units.
- System of automatic planning and control of road transportation “Smart-transport.
- Implementation of the online accounts for the landowners.
- Disposal of illiquid assets.
- Automation of tracking and analysis of actual logistics costs.
- Pilot project of the system of attracting and training for young skilled specialists.
- Production of inverted sugar for bees feeding.
Training of successors for key positions in the company is a project designed to ensure the company’s performance in the event when the manager resigns.
The main goal of the project is to identify potential employees for promotion within the company, establish conditions for their development at the current position and ensure that the key vacant positions will be held by the employees who have grown professionally within the company.
A year after the start of the project the company plans to fill 5% of the vacancies, after three years – 30%, after five years – 80%. Appointment of successors will take place only in the case where the professional profile of the successor corresponds to the requirements of vacant position. Otherwise, employees, who complete the training, will be involved in conducting training programmes and in the work of project implementation teams.
The Operational Improvement System of Astarta (OISA). This is a management system designed for creation of perfect business processes and the involvement of each employee in the process of continuous improvement.
More than a thousand of employees participated in the programme, i.e. nearly 16% of the total headcount.
Since the 2020 more than 2,727 ideas were submitted in all segments of the Company’s business. Nearly ten operational improvement projects implemented annually.
Fourteen “kaizen projects” are currently in the process of realisation. The Company paid UAH2.5m in bonuses to the authors of ideas and the implementation teams.
Since its launch the economic benefits have totalled UAH28m.
50 experts are taking part in the course “Methods for operational improvement”. Six subsidiaries of the company implement “5C” system aimed at improvement of the production culture and productivity.
The assessment is based on appraisal of the employee KPIs and professional skills – an effective motivation for employees. It allows to focus on efficiency improvement and development of personal professional skills to meet the required targets.
In 2022 the professional skills model was updated. It is aligned with the company’s key strategic priorities and values and considers the company’s development vector and basic requirements for specialists.